There has been a “noteworthy shift” in pro-administration sentiment among Filipinos, which has declined from 50 percent in the third quarter of 2022 to 46 percent in the same period in 2023, the Pahayag End of Year survey showed.
PUBLiCUS Asia Inc., which conducted the non-commissioned survey and released the results Thursday, also said anti-administration sentiment remained “stable” at 18%, while those adopting a neutral stance increased from 30% to 36% during the same period
Economic concerns, including price inflation, joblessness, low wages, and a perceived lack of productivity, emerge as driving factors behind the changing political landscape, the survey said.
These issues, left unaddressed by the administration, have prompted a notable migration of pro-administration voters toward neutrality, PUBLiCUS Asia said.
In regional breakdowns, the National Capital Region (NCR) witnessed a significant drop in pro-administration sentiment from 49% to 33%, while Mindanao and North-Central Luzon (NCL) experienced declines of 51% and 49%, respectively. Notably, neutral sentiments increased across regions, indicating a shift toward non-partisanship.
Regionally, pro-opposition support remained relatively stable, experiencing marginal increases in NCR, NCL, and Mindanao, the survey said.
Anti-opposition sentiment declined across all regions, showcasing a shift towards neutrality. The proportion of Filipino voters adopting a neutral stance toward the opposition has notably increased in NCR, Visayas, and Mindanao.
The survey period was from Nov. 29 to Dec. 4, 2023, using purposive sampling composed of 1,500 respondents randomly drawn from the market research panel of over 200,000 Filipinos maintained by the Singapore office of PureSpectrum, a US-based panel marketplace with a multinational presence.
The sample was restricted to registered Filipino voters maintained by PureSpectrum, a US-based panel marketplace with a multinational presence.