Children and hospital staff killed in attack on northern city Afrin, which is held by Turkish-backed rebels


Damage to the Al-Shifaa hospital in the Syrian city of Afrin
Damage to the Al-Shifaa hospital in the Syrian city of Afrin. At least 18 people were killed when the city was shelled on Saturday. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Shelling of the rebel-held city of Afrin in northern Syria killed at least 18 people, many of them when a hospital was hit, a war monitor said.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said a doctor, three hospital staff, two women and two children died at al-Shifaa hospital, which is held by Turkish-backed rebels, on Saturday.

A rebel commander also died at the hospital, the observatory said, adding that 23 people were injured.

An AFP correspondent shot footage of white-helmeted aid workers in the hospital courtyard which was strewn with bodies.

“The shelling targeted several areas of the town and hit the hospital,” observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.