US says there were no known civilian casualties but community elder claims women and children among victims


US armed forces personnel at an evacuation control checkpoint at Hamid Karzai international airport.
US armed forces personnel at an evacuation control checkpoint at Hamid Karzai international airport.Photograph: US Marines/Reuters


The US drone strike in Afghanistan targeted two “planners and facilitators” from the Islamic State’s local affiliate who was travelling in a car near the eastern city of Jalalabad, US official sources said on Saturday.

The strike came two days after Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing outside Kabul airport, as western forces running the airlift braced for more attacks.

The US president, Joe Biden, has promised to hunt down those responsible, striking in a place and time of his choosing.

In a statement last night, Biden promised further US strikes and said a new terrorist attack in Afghanistan is “highly likely in [the] next 24-36 hours”.“The situation on the ground continues to be extremely dangerous, and the threat of terrorist attacks on the airport remains high,” he said.