Personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP) on Sunday began strictly monitoring motorists passing through checkpoints in the National Capital Region Plus in a bid to prevent the further spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

At a bridge at the boundary of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan and North Caloocan, police checked on every vehicle entering Metro Manila to see if motorists and passengers are authorized persons outside residence (APOR), according to a report by Luisito Santos on Dobol B TV.

They asked for IDs and the purpose of the trip of the motorists. Only those with essential travel were allowed to pass through.

Police also checked on the passengers of vehicles if they were following minimum health protocols such as wearing of face masks and face shields.

Meanwhile, it was not as strict on the other side for motorists leaving Caloocan and entering San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan.

The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) on Saturday directed the Joint Task Force COVID Shield to enforce quarantine control points along boundaries of the NCR Plus areas starting 12 a.m. of August 1.

According to the DILG, the move is aimed at making sure only APOR will be allowed to travel in and out the NCR Plus.

In compliance with IATF Resolution No. 130-A, DILG Secretary Eduardo Año ordered JTF COVID Shield Commander Police Lieutenant General Israel Dickson to activate on Saturday night all the Quarantine Control Points along the borders of NCR Plus in Cavite, Bulacan, Laguna, and Rizal.

Año said the PNP will only allow APORs to pass and will recognize the following:

  • IATF IDs issued by regulatory agencies; and
  • valid IDs or pertinent documentation issued by establishments allowed to operate under the current quarantine classification

Unauthorized persons outside of residence (UPOR) will meanwhile be asked to return to their homes.

Also, the DILG chief reminded police personnel to allow the free movement of cargo or delivery vehicles, especially those bringing food across all quarantine control points.

Metro Manila will be placed under the strictest enhanced community quarantine classification from August 6 to 20 in light of the threat posed by the Delta coronavirus variant, Malacañang announced on Friday.

From July 31 to August 5, however, the region was placed under general community quarantine with heightened and additional restrictions.