Kiwis have had $352 million refunded from their cancelled travel plans. Photo / 123rfKiwis have had $352 million refunded from their cancelled travel plans. Photo / 123r



The Government says its scheme to get Kiwis’ cancelled travel plans refunded has seen more than $352 million returned.

The Consumer Travel Reimbursement Scheme was launched in October to help travel agents pivot to help travellers get their money back from airlines and holidays.

Consumer Affairs Minister David Clark said New Zealanders were at risk of not seeing a cent of their money because it was locked offshore.

“This means more money is coming back into the local economies as Kiwis now look to holiday domestically supporting the local tourism industry.”

The scheme was launched in October 2020 and pays New Zealand-based travel agents 7.5 per cent of the value of all cash refunds they are able to successfully recover for their customers and 5 per cent of the value of all credits successfully secured or rebooked for international travel.

At the time the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) estimated about $690 million of New Zealanders’ money was locked up because of travel cancelled due to Covid-19.

“By incentivising travel agencies to recover funds on behalf of their customers, the scheme continues to benefit both consumers and industry,” said Clark.