President Marcos has signed two landmark laws that aim to honor two key sectors of society and promote their rights and development — the Tatak Pinoy (Proudly Filipino) Act and the Expanded Centenarians Act.

Marcos signed the two measures in a ceremony in Malacañan on Monday, Feb. 26. He was initially set to sign three laws, but Communications Secretary Cheloy Garafil said the Magna Carta for Filipino Seafarers Act was still “under further review.”
“It’s my honor to sign into law two bills which do not only honor two key sectors of society but mandate measures that protect their rights and promote their development,” he said in his speech.
“Each of these laws encapsulates the merits that the Bagong Pilipinas upholds to rebuilding a stronger nation,” he added.
In his speech after signing the two new measures, President Marcos said Republic Act (RA) No. 11981, or the Tatak Pinoy (Proudly Filipino) Act, will “provide the impetus that will nurture innovative and inventive ideas” of creative Filipino minds who boldly set out to transform their dreams into products that win markets and accolades.
According to Marcos, the Tatak Pinoy Act is about investing in Filipino competence and talent, saying genius and gift must be supported by true, tangible support.
“Tatak Pinoy is more than a branding exercise as it is about incubating and incentivizing great products that deserve to carry the ‘Made in the Philippines’ trademark,” he said.
“It’s not about simply slapping labels on goods and services but showing their provenance, proudly, that they are ‘Tatak Pinoy,'” he added.
President Marcos said the “Tatak Pinoy” ensures that products that meet high standards are the only ones that get such a label.
“It is about creating products and services of the highest quality because ‘Tatak Pinoy’ is also about excellence, and, as a seal of great workmanship, it must only be applied to those that meet these high standards, and as such, we shall give preference and priority to our products,” he said.
House Speaker Martin Romualdez earlier said the Tatak Pinoy Act is a crucial step toward transforming the economy by encouraging collaboration with the private sector and enhancing the competitiveness of local enterprises.
The measure outlines a comprehensive strategy, setting the stage for formulating, financing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the Tatak Pinoy Strategy (TPS).
It encourages the production of diverse, sophisticated, and high-quality Philippine-made products by local enterprises that can compete globally.
Expanded Centenarians Act
Meanwhile, President Marcos said RA 11982, or the Expanded Centenarians Act, confers active citizens attaining the age of 80 years and the age of 90 years the “thanks of a grateful nation” that they have made strong and stable through their labors.
“The expansion of the coverage of the Centenarians Act is a homage to the Filipino trait of compassion, and in our culture, none are showered with more kind and loving care than our elderly,” he said.
Under the new law, Filipinos, upon reaching the age of 80, shall receive a cash gift of P10,000 and every five years after that. Those reaching the age of 100 shall continue to receive an incentive of P100,000 from the government.
However, Marcos believes that Filipino seniors, whom he called “giants,” deserve more than just cash in an envelope.
“What they should get is a support infrastructure that every society owes to its graying population,” he said.
“There were already close to 10 million seniors two years ago, and there are some, many of us here who have already crossed that Rubicon line,” he added.
“As this demographic enlarges, the societal facilities that attend to them should be expanded as well,” he continued.
President Marcos joked that people might suspect the lawmakers passed the law in anticipation of the monetary incentive awaiting them.
“That’s why they might be suspected of having passed this bill for ourselves in preparation for our dotage,” he said.
The official 2020 Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) population census shows 9,242,121 older persons nationwide. Of this figure, over 950,000 are octogenarians and nonagenarians.
In an earlier statement, Senator Imee Marcos said this measure was important amid the rising cost of living and healthcare expenses for senior citizens.
“It is hoped that more of our elderly population may be able to benefit from the Centenarians Act and that they may be inspired to further prolong and enjoy their lives even beyond a century,” she said.
Under this measure, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), in coordination with the departments of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Information and Communications Technology (ICT), and the local government units, shall establish a data management system recording relevant information of individuals covered.