Authorities say Australian family was picked up at Auckland airport after flying in from Sydney despite ban due to Victorian Covid outbreak

New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern has warned of ‘consequences’ for Australians breaking NZ’s border controls. NZ has placed a pause on travel from Victoria given the current Covid outbreak in Melbourne. Photograph: Peter Meecham/AAP


Jacinda Ardern has warned there are “consequences” for people breaking New Zealand’s coronavirus border controls after three Melburnians were caught trying to enter the country during the Australian city’s lockdown.

New Zealand has placed a pause on travel from Victoria given the current outbreak in Melbourne but authorities revealed on Wednesday the family was picked up at Auckland airport last week after flying in from Sydney.

The country’s director general of health, Ashley Bloomfield, described the trio’s actions as “disappointing”.

“Those three people were identified when they arrived and were immediately transferred to a managed isolation facility in Auckland where they will remain for a 14-day period,” Bloomfield said. He said they had returned “day zero” negative tests.

The New Zealand Covid-19 response minister, Chris Hipkins, said they had provided the “incorrect information” but were still picked up by authorities.