Holiday hopes drop, but 92% see much better 2024 — Pulse Asia


Manila, Philippines — While the number of Filipinos who expect their holiday celebrations in 2023 to be more prosperous than last year declined, an overwhelming majority remain confident that life in 2024 will be much better, according to a recent survey from Pulse Asia.

Reports released by Pulse Asia on Friday showed that only 30 percent of respondents believe they would be having better celebrations in 2023 compared to 2022 — down from the 43 percent registered in November 2022.

This accounts for a 13-point drop. Belief in better celebrations for 2023 decreased the most in Visayas, from 66 percent in 2022 to 42 percent in 2023 (-24 points), followed by Mindanao (from 46 percent to 31 percent), National Capital Region (NCR) (from 32 percent to 18 percent), and then Balance Luzon (from 35 percent to 29 percent).

However, the same survey indicated that 92 percent of Filipinos anticipate a better 2024 — the same as what it was in 2022 when Pulse Asia asked the same question.

“Amidst the various challenges Filipinos face on a daily basis, most of them continue to remain optimistic, with 92% saying they will face the new year with hope,” Pulse Asia said.

“This is the prevailing sentiment in every geographic area and socio-economic grouping (84% to 95% and 90% to 92%, respectively). Only 1% will face 2024 without hope, while 7% are ambivalent on the matter. These figures do not differ significantly from those recorded by Pulse Asia Research in November 2022,” it added.Also, 41 percent of respondents indicated that their holidays would be as prosperous as 2022 — a sentiment shared by 62 percent of NCR residents, followed by Balance Luzon (68 percent), Visayas (41 percent), and Mindanao (40 percent).

Same holiday celebrations

According to Pulse Asia, belief in a more prosperous holiday celebration for 2023 is highest in Visayas, with 42 percent of the respondents claiming so, followed by Mindanao (31 percent), Balance Luzon (29 percent), and the National Capital Region (NCR) (18 percent).

Also, 41 percent of respondents indicated that their holidays would be as prosperous as 2022 — a sentiment shared by 62 percent of NCR residents, followed by Balance Luzon (68 percent), Visayas (41 percent), and Mindanao (40 percent).

“Around four (4) in 10 adults (41%) expect their celebration this holiday season to be as prosperous as last year’s. This sentiment is echoed by sizeable pluralities to small majorities in Metro Manila (62%), the rest of Luzon (48%), Class D (41%), and Class E (34%),” Pulse Asia said.

However, 16 percent said it would be the same, unprosperous celebration just like in 2022, while 13 percent said that it would be poorer than last year.

Regarding holidays still not being prosperous, 20 percent from Balance Luzon and Mindanao made that claim, followed by 11 percent from NCR and seven percent from Visayas.

Meanwhile, the belief that holidays are poorer is highest among Mindanao residents at 30 percent, compared to Visayas (18 percent), NCR (10 percent), and Balance Luzon (four percent).

Pulse Asia said that they conducted the survey from December 3 to 7, using face-to-face interviews of 1,200 adult Filipinos. The polling firm maintains a ± 2.8% error margin at the 95% confidence level and ± 5.7% error margin for each locale.