Senator Risa Hontiveros


The government must declare July 12 as West Philippine Sea Victor Day to mark the country’s historic triumph against China before the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in 2016, Senator Risa Hontiveros said yesterday as the country marked the 8th anniversary of the arbitral award.

Hontiveros’ call followed the approval of the Palawan provincial board of an ordinance that declares July 12 as “West Philippine Sea Victory Day.”

Palawan Liga ng mga Barangay President and Board Member Ferdinand Zaballa, who authored the measure, said that the arbitration tribunal’s decision is a “resounding affirmation” of the Philippines’ sovereignty and sovereign rights in the WPS.

“The ruling definitively settled historic rights and maritime entitlements in the region, rejecting claims that exceeded the limits set by UNCLOS. It now stands as a pivotal part of international law,” he said

Palawan province has jurisdiction over a substantial portion of the waters being claimed by China, including the Kalayaan group of islands.

On Friday, government officials, lawmakers and foreign allies hailed the arbitral ruling, saying it has become even more consequential amid China’s increased bullying in the WPS.

“We should celebrate WPS Victory Day every year, not just to remember our 2016 win, but also as a way to assert our just and rightful ownership of the WPS,” Hontiveros said.

“The 2016 victory showed the world that a small country like the Philippines can legally, peacefully, and diplomatically stand up to a big, autocratic country like China…But Beijing’s continued threats and intimidation despite the ruling are also a sober reminder to the world that all those who believe in the international, rules-based order must actively come together to safeguard peace and security across the globe,” she added.

United States Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson said the arbitral award, which invalidated Beijing’s massive claim over the entire South China Sea, was significant not just to the Philippines but to all stakeholders in the Indo-Pacific region.

“The arbitral award was a milestone in setting up the legal rights and lawful maritime entitlements of the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China in the South China Sea, clarifying extensive maritime areas where the Philippines enjoys sovereign rights and jurisdiction over natural resources in its Exclusive Economic Zone and on its continental shelf,” Carlson said during a conference organized by the Stratbase ADR Institute.

“At the same time, it memorialized vast maritime areas where all nations enjoy freedom of navigation and overflight under international law, providing the legal foundation for trade, investment, and economic activity to thrive in the Indo-Pacific region.”

Canadian Ambassador to Philippines David Hartman added: “Let me be unequivocally clear that the Philippines must be able to exercise freedom of navigation as well as enjoy the sovereign rights to which it is entitled within its exclusive economic zone.”

Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Endo Kazuya said Tojyo has consistently upheld that the arbitral award is “final and legally binding on the parties concerned.”

“While the 2016 arbitral award showed crystal clear directions in navigating the turbulent waters of the South China Sea, the actual situations on the sea remain challenging and complex…In this regard, Japan is undeterred to fulfill its commitment. As Japan and the Philippines are neighboring maritime nations, we have a shared responsibility in upholding and protecting the peace and stability across the region,” he said.

National Security Adviser Eduardo Año said the 2016 legal victory “remains at the core of (the country’s) foreign and national security policies.”

“Eight years ago today, in a battle akin to David versus Goliath, victory was handed to the Philippines,” Año said, noting that China’s coercion and aggressive activities threaten the safety and free passage of all stakeholders in the area.

Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. said the government will keep standing behind the arbitral award for the welfare of the Filipinos.

For his part, Stratbase Institute President Professor Dindo Manhit underscored the importance of the arbitral ruling and cooperation with like-minded states amid China’s continuous aggression in the West Philippine Sea.

“This year, we witnessed actions – the most aggressive by far – performed against our fellow Filipinos at sea…We have the whole of Philippine society behind us as we assert our rights in the West Philippine Sea, and the support of like-minded states in the community of nations. These give us hope and confidence that we will be able to safeguard our national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and economic rights in the West Philippine Sea. Our collective efforts, whether big or small, have a great impact on our collective pursuit of security and stability,” he said.

“The legally binding arbitral ruling is clear: the West Philippine Sea is ours. It is the responsibility of all parties to abide by and recognize their obligations under international law. The position and the direction of our government are firm: we will not yield. We will never yield. We will be steadfast,” Manhit added.