From his hospital room at Walter Reed, President Trump urged lawmakers to come together to push for a coronavirus stimulus bill saying, “Our great USA wants and needs stimulus. Work together and get it done. Thank you!”

The bill has stalled amid political brinkmanship. In September, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to engage in any negotiations, arguing that stimulus needed to wait until after the November 3rd election.

However, amid an outcry from American voters, she and the Democrats returned to the negotiating table, working with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin to pass a bill that the White House would welcome.

The problem now? The Republicans themselves. Many conservative Senators worry that too much money is being spent. They also question whether offering a sizable extension in unemployment benefits will have the unintended consequences of disincentivizing people from returning to work.

Ultimately, Congress will need to find a way to manage through these challenging economic times. Although the unemployment rate fell to an impressive 7.9% in the latest month, the number of jobs being added is expected to continue declining as we head into cold and flu season.

It’s important the lawmakers find a way to enact a safety net for the Americans that most need it while still encouraging healthy Americans to return to work.