Chinese retaliation comes immediately Police are guarding out of American Consulate in Chen Du, which is ordered to close by China as equal to equal sanction. Post Views: 722 info@wepix.site2020-07-24T11:54:23+00:00July 24th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Chinese retaliation comes immediately Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! facebooktwitterlinkedinredditwhatsapptumblrpinterestvkEmail Related Posts Pinoys ‘very happy’ with love life hit 20-year low Pinoys ‘very happy’ with love life hit 20-year low Trump says he and Putin have agreed to begin negotiations on ending war in Ukraine Trump says he and Putin have agreed to begin negotiations on ending war in Ukraine Business leaders oppose ‘unjust’ tax hikes amid excessive gov’t spending Business leaders oppose ‘unjust’ tax hikes amid excessive gov’t spending 21st PH-China festival kicks off, marks 50 years of diplomacy 21st PH-China festival kicks off, marks 50 years of diplomacy