Auckland International Airport has poached Air New Zealand’s chief operating officer Carrie Hurihanganui as its new chief executive.

US-born Hurihanganui joined the airline in 1999 as an international cabin crew member, and then worked her way up the company.
Airport company chair Patrick Strange said Hurihanganui was highly regarded in the industry.
“We are confident that her leadership, operational knowledge and focus on customer experience will ensure Auckland Airport’s strong recovery from the pandemic and return to growth as the emerging robust recovery in international aviation and travel reaches New Zealand.”

She will succeed Adrian Littlewood, who leaves mid-November after close to nine years in the job. The airport’s corporate services general manager, Mary-Liz Tuck, will be interim CEO until early next year.
Air New Zealand head Greg Foran paid tribute to Hurihanganui’s “exceptional” contribution during Covid in particular.
“It was no small feat to keep our operations running across engineering, airports, airline operations, properties, supply chain, cabin crew and pilots during a constantly changing crisis.”