General Bishop Herbert R. Gadian, of Jesus For All Nations proudly announced the successful celebration of the 28th Ministers Fire Summit held at the De Luxe Hotel last December 5, 2022 in Cagayan de Oro City. The highlights of the celebration is the recognition and awarding of Degree by All Nations Seminary , an education department of the Jesus For All Nations & Network International which operates very differently from any traditional seminaries. Dr. Herbert R. Gadian,DD General Bishop of Jesus For All Nations Network, Intl said that the professors and teachers of the seminary are those pastors and teachers in their respective churches. While the students are the members who are willing to know more of the ministry of Jesus Christ , people who have the calling from God to do full time ministry and people who loves to pastor a church of which some are called to plant churches and some are called for local mission works and cross-cultural missions.
The apostles and pioneers of the All Nations Network, Dr. Gadian stressed Dr. Fritz Cobrado, Founder & President of LAMP Foundation, Intl and Dr. Jill Boyonas, Founder & President of CMC Asia ( Church Multiplication Coalition)
The General Bishop Gadian, DD concluded that the seminary offers the diploma of leadership & Management Course for a l-year study and practical ministry, diploma for Pastoral & Management Course for a 3 year study and practical ministry, Missions & Church Planting Course for a 3 year study and practical ministry with good moral standing and loyalty to his/her home church. Bachelors Degree for a 4-year study and practical ministry, Masters Degree for a 5-year study and practical ministry and Doctoral Degree for a 6-year study, practical ministry, founding an organization and ministry works in other countries. Dr. Balmis T. Diao Jr. , introduced the National Policy , a digital media news information to the 352 attendees.