A livestock ship sailing from Napier to China with two New Zealand crew members on-board is missing off the coast of Japan.
Japan’s coast guard was on Thursday afternoon (NZ time) searching for Livestock carrier Gulf Livestock 1 carrying 42 crew members and 5800 cows that made a distress call off a southern Japanese island in seas roughened by a typhoon.
Rescuers safely plucked one crew member from the sea. The person rescued from the water was not believed to be one of the Kiwis.
More information on the ship’s distress wasn’t immediately available.
The ship sent a distress signal at 4.45am NZT yesterday in the East China Sea, an area being affected by Typhoon Maysak.
NHK World Japan reported that the Panamian registered cargo ship issued the distress signal at 1.40am Wednesday Japan time from a ship about 185km west of Amami Oshima in southwest Japan.
“Officials from MPI are working closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the exporter. I am awaiting an update on the situation.”
Because it was an overseas incident, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs was the lead agency, a spokesperson said.
Safe Campaigns Manager Marianne Macdonald said it highlighted the risk of exporting live cattle. The cows are “likely all pregnant”, she said.
However, the MPI spokeswoman confirmed that none of the livestock on board were pregnant.
“No MPI staff were on board the Gulf Livestock 1,” she added.
A Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokeswoman said they are providing “consular assistance” to the families of two New Zealanders aboard.